How to Fix Bootloop, Rebooting, Restarting

Sometimes our beloved phones doing us a favor by sticking to restarting itself, or if I say accurately rebooting itself, or the professional name bootloop and this is the post of how to get the hell out of bootloop. 

The real reason of bootloop is corrupting ROM files by some king of wrong tweaks that happen by us deliberately or I don't know undeliberately; anyway the question is how to get the hell out of the sickening bootloop situation.
Before saying anything personally I read some many articles about how to get out from such a rough situation and I got to say they are so naive, their way can easily guess by a child nowadays, yes I'm trying to say my ways ( not actually mine ) is advance, so let's do this in 3 phase bros or maybe sises;

Phase Number 1: First you need to power down your device then after 5 minutes power it on back;

Sometimes by just shutting down you device the problem will solve; every manufacturer has their own way for this step, so google it or maybe one of the below ways work for you;
For HTC holding the power button and volume up for like 30 seconds.
For Samsung holding the power button and volume down for like 30 seconds.
For Xiaomi holding the power button and volume down for like 30 seconds.
For Huawei holding the power button for like 30 seconds.
For Sony holding the power button and volume down for like 30 seconds. 
or let the device to drain it's battery all the way down to 0 then charge it to at least 40 percent and power it on; if this don't work for you move on to phase 2.

Phase number  2: Fix the problem

Sometimes by just turning down the device the problem will solve ( but if your lucky it won't ) in this case you should go to recovery and wipe Caches and Dalvik/ART then reboot your device, this might fix the issue; but sometime not(if you'r lucky again) this mean is you got to proceed to phase number 3;

Phase number  3: Reinstall ROM or RUU

If you're really lucky even the phase 2 don't works for you; This means your phone's ROM corrupted and can not fix (don't panic we can fix it together), just reinstall your ROM or RUU;
which if you want to your device look like the stock you shall install RUU and if you want a customizable UI you shall install ROM which personally I prefer the ROM;
that's it really simple; no I'm kidding installing ROM or RUU will have an article longer then this. 


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